Sunday, June 12, 2011

To the Reality!

         We spend a lifetime in brooding over that perfect dress we couldn't buy, the perfect career we couldn't acquire or the perfect life that we couldn't live; yet never in the midst of this lamenting course do we ever realize how much blessed we are! Yeah, yeah, all that cliched stuff pertaining to some basic facts of life. Something on the lines of , if you have all your body parts functional, have adequate clothes on your body, enough food in your stomach and a roof over your head; you are one blessed individual. And if you don't suffer from a disease, you are even much more blessed.  Sounds familiar? Such assurances, at a time of crisis, seem to be mere desperate attempts of your well-wisher to cheer you up. These cliches, as a matter of fact, are outdated, stale and sold-out yet a reality! My intention in no way is to profess for a simple living because in all honesty, I myself am a backer of this fantasy-laden larger-than-life-style, yet time and again I have been reminded of the amateurishness of my outlandish fantasies for I have seen myriad of old feeble men battling against the cold winds or sweltering weather, on the signals of Lahore, in their pursuit to save their honor while carrying a bunch of things of everyday use to sell . It takes no degree-holder mathematician to hypothesize that even if they manage to sell all of their goods that very night, it would still not be enough to buy a decent meal for themselves and their families. The memory of many such old men, women and children is etched on my mind. And no I am no Hatham Tai nor even an ordinary philanthropist, hence everywhere I go, I am chaperoned by a heart that has given way to guilt and dissatisfied conscience on my own failings to become a better being. I am very ordinary in terms of my mental faculty; all that glitters may not be gold but all that glitters attract me. To adorn myself  from head to toe, I have enough! However, while spending on the poor, I am down-and-out myself! I wish to help those downtrodden beings who carry as much right to live as we do. What is worth of a degree and a social-status that is devoid of a guilt-less conscience? To the world, I confess of my materialistic side. I concede the fact that some of my afflictions in the past have merely been shallow in nature yet their impacts were deep enough. My afflictions had nothing to do with money or poverty yet today I find them to be as superficial as money. But to err is human and I am only in the learning phase. And corresponding to a mind that weaves bizarre, wild fantasies; there is a tender-heart that is receptive to the delicacy of reality, ready to foster a change!

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