Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's always a Good Time!

                              Do you have issues concentrating on the present and staying relevant? Do you find it hard focusing on what's happening and easily drifts towards 'what can happen' instead? Do you fly away across distant parts of the world, even distant eras, in your imagination? Do you like living in a vague and totally fantasy-laden future? Does your imaginary world set you on a high? Do you go 'missing' from the current moment to a totally elusive world? Do you talk/think/write about that 'someday' frequently? Are you hopelessly optimistic? Do you have wild dreams that will perhaps never close in on reality? Have you ever pulled all nighters dreaming about 'that dream'? Do you often find yourself smiling to self on jumping onto some random conclusions? Do a few songs remind you of a few good times and a few bad ones? Do you lose count of time when you are busy living an imaginary life in your mind? Do you spend hours anticipating scenarios that you know are never likely to happen, but still you hope one day they well? Does one shattered dream make you more persistent for the next one? Does one good sentence, one good song or one tiny achievement dye your world in technicolor? Do you need a break after social gatherings to extract your 'me' time? Are you always busy in searching for that tiny ray of light at the end of every dark tunnel? Do you wander aimlessly often? Is your life progressing much more on the adrenaline rush than on need-basis? Do new things fascinate you quickly as they bore you? Do you have the ability to swing from one extreme to the other within a short time span?
Are you tirelessly passionate at certain times and a bit on the down side at other times? Is your Life a passion for you? Are you an enthusiastic planner but end up doing all the action in your mind-field only? Do you want experiment with everything at least once in your life-time?          

                     Welcome to my world! While a lot of research has gone into exploring the cosmos and unraveling the mysteries of the oceans, little is known about the scope of human imagination (wild imagination?) I am no recent entry in this cryptic world so I have a backpack of my own observations and hypotheses about it. And these deductions merely underpin my speculation; you can just go deeper and deeper. Nevertheless, it is a roller-coaster ride. It’ll inspire you to dance the chicken dance on the quite-so-ordinary days and leave you bewildered other times. Blues, pinks and reds will go hand in hand. And you’ll be quite a specimen of your own type ;). But know what? You’ll never be bored! ;)

Friday, August 17, 2012

101 Things to be Thankful For!

     I am yet to meet a person who doesn't consume half of his day in 

a) Cursing the inadequacies of his life. 
b)Envying what others have 
c) Neglecting the blessings of his own life
d) Craving for a royal receiving
e) Loathing his ''fate'';

                 including myself! Yes, this is what a man is made of in the 21st century. Agitation, depression, panic, competition and extreme anxiety! I read somewhere "You are what you think'and since then, this particular ''thought'' has been resting gracefully in a shadowy corner of my mind, neither begging for attention nor pushing its way through my daily ordeals. But my mind has wandered off to its simplicity each and every day, if not for every minute. And today while driving to my workplace, I had that 'Áha' moment, what I've been missing out on! Your guess is as good as mine, the missing link had been 'Being Greatful'! It is as if we are ensnared in a relay-race circuit. We rush towards our first target with our heart and soul to pass on the baton. However, since this race is individualistic and solely ours, on reaching upon the first designated target, instead of handing out the baton to a partner we clamp it in our fists and without stopping, we dash towards the second target; huffing and puffing but still going strong. By the time we reach the closing end of the relay, we're drained and dead-beaten. And by the time we are through the finishing line, we turn around and contemplate that we kept running, pushing harder and harder and not enjoying even a single victory along the way, because we had no time to do so. How could have we stopped and took a respite to 'celebrate' while our counterparts were making it through the finishing line? We don't yet step on the marked line of first 4x100 relay, that are eyes are already fixed on the next standard relay! And this is how life goes on. Except that, this is NOT life, this is merely a race we've become a part of. 

               And my 'Aha' moment made me realize that I don't want to be a part of this race any more. I want to LIVE life. I want to create magical moments instead of just waiting for my royal calling.  I want to stand still for a while and feel the rain on my skin instead of just skimming through every phase. I want to hitch-hike, wander and discover. I want to slow down and take life, one day at a time. I want to smile frequently, laugh carelessly and just NOT over-think. Because I want to lead a happy man's life not a mechanic's driveway! So, I decided to start being THANKFUL  to ALMIGHTY ALLAH for all His blessings on me, to start celebrating the smaller offerings of life (which are in fact long-lasting and much more real), to stop dreaming about a 'must-have life' rather start living my OWN life and to be more conscious about the present than ever!

                 This is my first post in this regard. So, here it goes.

1. Today I am thankful to Almighty Allah for a comfortable living that I have been bestowed with. 

              I wake-up each morning without having to worry about arranging for money to pay for the day's meals. I survive through the day without fainting, begging or depending. I wrap my body under the layers of warm clothing when everything outside is iced with frost. And shroud myself  in loose drapes, when the sun shines in full swing. At night, I rest in my peaceful abode where my concerns are only trifling and escapable.     

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Wild One!

I'll spread my wings and learn how to fly. I really will!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Monologue!

Sometimes I think I have suffered enough and it's time for me to win. But apparently that's not the case! This is a long journey and the battle is only half-fought, let alone won. When will the time come when my turbulent ship will dock at the harbor of peace and contentment? Will it even ever dock, for that matter? It’s all painted gray. Contradiction, guilt trips and an elusive imagination! Life’s driving me down the road and I am blindfolded. All I know is, this too I shall survive (InshaAllah). But for once, I don’t want to survive through things, I want to LIVE through them, just once! Not to be fooled by words or the looks of things anymore. I don’t want to roam around anymore, or maybe I want to, not just in the same old streets. See, I told you, contradictions!
Things don’t really change, do they? They only transform, from one form to another, at least that’s what happens in the lives of underprivileged, luckless and ordinary men! Their dreams become a reality for others, and others’ fears, their reality! But then you can have a pocket full of bucks and a hunger satiated with sumptuous food, and still you wander on empty roads reflecting on why things are the way they are! You can stuff yourself with all the sophistication and live-heartedness, and still find yourself bowled up in a corner of your room.  You may ramble on incessantly and laugh out audaciously in a crowd, but save up eruption of the boiling matter for private moments. You may think you are good enough, but you may not feel that way. You may consider that one stroke of yours is near-perfection, but you may not receive any such results.
Just remember, you suffer alone and you only celebrate in a crowd. And that you can’t fight against your fate!