And the show goes on..! (CLP - 1)
Here goes my first entry in the spirit of Creative Life Project.
21st December 2012, the 13th baktun in the language of Mayan civilization that belongs to an ancient chapter of history, garnered utmost attention when history interpretators declared that Mayans speculated this day to be the ultimate day of apocalypse. In my existential history, this is the first time ever I have come across an attempt of this scale at the prophecy of the end of the world. Ofcourse, being a Muslim, this supposedly piece of revelation did not jolt me, far less it didn't even interest me much because I have grown up acknowledging the fact that it takes all sorts to make the world go round even the most fanatical ones. Hence, I attributed this latest fixation of the world to that group which always have to complicate things. As the countdown approached, I became interested only, given my writer instincts, in knowing the backstory of this unfounded theory. So, I reverted to my uber-favorite tool, GOOGLE and googled all about Mayan and the apocalypse theory. As it turns out, Mayan was a very ancient component of Mesoamerica civilization. Mesoamerica, as obvious by its name, is used to refer to Mexico and Central America jointly, as they were back in the 16th century. The civilization grew in harmony with the needs of the time and poured reasonable interest in architecture, mathematics and astrology. The 'Cities of Stone', the relics of Mayan Civilization, bear the testimony to their inclination towards decent architecture. And the recent apocalypse frenzy speaks volume of their astrological pursuits. However, what makes this civilization pretty 'fascinating' is its mysterious disappearance from the face of the world. Many theories have been supplemented to solve the mysteries but without any concrete proof, they remain only theories. Among these theories most prominent ones cater to overpopulation, an over-stretched spell of drought etc. Some sane historians suggest that Mayans only predicted 21st Decemeber to be a day of significance for the world and not the end of the world in itself. Post 21st December world maybe a changed version of what it used to be, either a good or bad one, but it certainly isn't ending. The fact that I am writing this post at 4:00 pm PST could not be a less obvious evidence. To a person like me, each day has the potential to change the world, inner or external, partly or wholly, it is just the matter of chance meeting what has been building up. So, I hope all those frenzied over this apocalypse-theory will get a chance to move on with their lives and instead of preparing for the end of the world, they will prepare for the end of their own lives.

As I said, each day has the potential to bring a drastic change in your world. Today, I decided to go for that thing, to apply for it. The world is not going to change if I get it or even if I don't. Maybe it wouldn't be such a significant experience at all. But that's not the point, the point is that I am willing to take chances and for me that's what matters the most, at the moment. This one is to my Creative Life Project Initiative!
On a side note, in my office, we stumbled on to those psuedo-life lessons' discussions where we get together under the cosy warmth of the sun and share chunks of our minds. Today, the conversation leaned towards the lifestyles. My colleagues believe that the choices you make early in your lifestyles stay with for the rest of life with you and to back up their assumptions, they provided accounts of real-life stories. I would say I do not agree with their hypothesis completely because I am a strong believer of fate and while I do believe that a person can always play in the architecture of his own life but at the same time I have always deemed the role of 'luck', and 'fate' to be equally integral. After all such discussions, there is only one 'take away message' that I get up with, I want to play my role in my life substantially.
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