Being a planning maniac that I am, I have decided NOT to plan each and every detail of this paradigm-shifting project. Infact, I haven't planned anything at all. Let it be a free-fall. For once in my lifetime, I haven't put off this project keeping in perspective my 'busy' schedule. You can say that I have realized that life is, afterall, not about 'Grand' executions anyway. For a long time, I have been preaching to put one's life's bet on small things because best things come in small packages. But while this was what I wanted myself to believe, I never could actually convince my inner comrade to endorse this mindset. Because I had unconsciously opted for a way of life that doesn't exist in itself. THAT world that I so often dream of is made up of baby steps, tiny achievements and small moments. There, I said it. I've admitted my deep-dark secret out aloud in the world. Being a zealous Science student that I am, I always spice up my plans with an outline of objectives, like a research project. This project, nonetheless, is kind of a research project that will give me knowledge about 'myself', in line with the concept 'Know Thyself' that I so like.This project has just one objective to make myself feel accomplished and happy. And its methodology? Well its written in the first two lines; creativity, adventure, rich, innovative and wholesome.
Since I am already unzipping the sachel of my well-kept secrets, let me also declare, clear and loud, that NO IT'S NOT TOO LATE. IT NEVER WAS AND NEVER IS. It was just my mind caught in a thought-trap, halted by a system hangover, fogged by the mist of uncertainty. And now I am SETTING MYSELF FREE! From today onwards, my mind will work on carving new boundaries and formulating new definitions. I wil no longer hold onto the skepticisms of the society or that of my own, for that matter.How? With a teeny bit of TRUST and FAITH =).
So what really is this 'Creative Life Project'? Simple, everyday I'll post in my blog a new story from my life, everyday I'll try to experiment with something new, not something grand but something small like drawing on Microsoft Paints or activities of that sort, reading a new book, coming across a new piece of wisdom, listening to a new song etc. Today is 20th December, 2012. And I'd try never to miss out a date on my blog now. Ofcourse, as a part of human experience I will. But this time, I won't make it an excuse to start-over or to give-up. I will live with my imperfections, and happily at that InshaAllah!
Lets make the Most of the Life! ;)
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