If there is one thing that my heart has yearned for without being distracted by the glint of other, more shiny objects, it is this; I want to lead a life that is
rich in experiences,
creative in its approach,
adventurous in its feel,
innovative in nature and altogether a
wholesome journey. Much of the suffering, struggle and pain I have endured can be, without any exaggeration, attritbuted to this 'yearning'. But there have many several physical, psychological and fateful obstacles that have held me back and rendered a hostage to a world full of uncertainties. I have tried so hard to break through this frost, but have fallen on my back time and again. I will save all the trifling details of what projects I happend to execute and how they dissolved into thin air or what plans remained confined only to my planners and could never materialize into reality.Instead I'll skip to the part which commences from TODAY! Yes, finally I have moved on from reflecting on my past or imganing my future prospects to savoring today. So, this is my BRAND NEW project, the one that I have decided to call by the name 'Creative Life Project'.
Being a planning maniac that I am, I have decided NOT to plan each and every detail of this paradigm-shifting project. Infact, I haven't planned anything at all. Let it be a free-fall. For once in my lifetime, I haven't put off this project keeping in perspective my 'busy' schedule. You can say that I have realized that life is, afterall, not about 'Grand' executions anyway. For a long time, I have been preaching to put one's life's bet on small things because
best things come in small packages. But while this was what I wanted
myself to believe, I never could actually convince my inner comrade to endorse this mindset. Because I had unconsciously opted for a way of life that doesn't exist in itself. THAT world that I so often dream of is made up of baby steps, tiny achievements and small moments. There, I said it. I've admitted my deep-dark secret out aloud in the world. Being a zealous Science student that I am, I always spice up my plans with an outline of objectives, like a research project. This project, nonetheless,
is kind of a research project that will give me knowledge about 'myself', in line with the concept 'Know Thyself' that I so like.This project has just one objective to make myself feel accomplished and happy. And its methodology? Well its written in the first two lines;
creativity, adventure, rich, innovative and

Since I am already unzipping the sachel of my well-kept secrets, let me also declare, clear and loud, that NO IT'S NOT TOO LATE. IT NEVER WAS AND NEVER IS. It was just my mind caught in a thought-trap, halted by a system hangover, fogged by the mist of uncertainty. And now I am SETTING MYSELF FREE! From today onwards, my mind will work on carving new boundaries and formulating new definitions. I wil no longer hold onto the skepticisms of the society or that of my own, for that matter.How? With a teeny bit of TRUST and FAITH =).
So what really is this 'Creative Life Project'? Simple, everyday I'll post in my blog a new story from my life, everyday I'll try to experiment with something new, not something grand but something small like drawing on Microsoft Paints or activities of that sort, reading a new book, coming across a new piece of wisdom, listening to a new song etc. Today is 20th December, 2012. And I'd try never to miss out a date on my blog now. Ofcourse, as a part of human experience I will. But this time, I won't make it an excuse to start-over or to give-up. I
will live with my imperfections, and
happily at that InshaAllah!
Lets make the Most of the Life! ;)