Monday, June 13, 2011


      Sometimes you feel like you could really use a friend right at that moment. After all, that is what friends are for. Right? Or maybe not! People say while our bloodline is only a matter of fate, we are at least at a liberty to choose friends of our own liking. Well, if you have good friends then maybe this philosophy is for you. Otherwise, you are in for a rebellion. I can frequently be found quoting that life has no hard and fast rules, hence generalizing a philosophy may be attributed to a fallacy on our part, in fact in my humble opinion, a lack of creativity. We are so used to of believing what people have said or done in the past that raising an objection or a contradictory opinion on a primitive thought is considered to be an action as repulsive as violation of some invisible boundaries. The hollowness of this primitive philosophy of being the 'chief selector' of your most cheered allies lies in the very fact that no-one wishes to bring unto him an uninvited set of problems, and a gang of uncomplimentary chums can be, well quite a nuisance, to say the least. So, how many times will you continue to make 'bad' choices? Or lets just say 'inappropriate'? For how long will man continue to worship his own inadequate faculties before accepting the supremacy of nature? For how long will we continue fooling ourselves in thinking that we are the master of our own fate? Why, one of chief requirements of human psychology is the feeling of being powerful? We can still dig deep, achieve our dreams and most of all, be happy without feeding our hunger of power! 
       You can either fret for staying in power with the ticking of the clock for the rest of your life or just let the river run its course and surprise you (no guarantee for the surprises to be good or bad :D); there is always a choice!

1 comment:

  1. ooo how I love this . . let the river run it's course and surprise you !! BIG truth !
    and SO having to ... uhh confront ? deal ? get to the other side of this issue currently . . maybe we are in the time of having to examine, choose & shift. thanks for this !
